The Three Paths of Life
There are in essence, three paths in life that a person can follow. Each one holding a different outcome in terms of success, personal fulfillment and integration of ones hopes and dreams. Those paths are;
1. Accountability
2. Excuses
3. Entitlement
The question that we need to ask ourselves is; Which path is the correct one to follow?
The hint to my answer, can be found in the following quote;
“In reality, we all have our lives, and the accountability for achievement of our dreams and goals falls strictly on our shoulders.” (Thomas Matt)
In other words, accountability! For it leads to fields of infinite possibilities of fulfillment and success in life. This due to the fact that self accountability lends itself to growth and adaptability. Thereby, driving us forward with each new experience. On the other hand, the two others (excuses and entitlement) lead us only into the minefields of failure and stagnation. For, making excuses leads to the acceptance of failure and a self medicating stupor of not getting up off the floor. Furthermore, feelings of entitlement don’t even allow us to take the first step towards living a responsible and independent life. For, it’s always “someone else’s” responsibility to provide for our wants. Thereby, the lack of a need to even try anything on our own.
Let us be accountable for our lives, for that is where adulthood resides.